Handing Out Life-jackets of Hope in a Sea of Darkness

That’s the quote I heard the other day, I believe it was a reference from a pastor about how his church feels at this time.  The words resonated.  Isn’t that exactly what we’ve all been trying to do?  In the midst of fear, isolation, financial insecurity, health risks, supply shortages, and employment loss, haven’t we been handing out hope and encouragement as fast as we can?  Blog posts, social media posts, online church services, fb Live prayer meetings, pastoral care on Zoom, daily scripture posts, online worship sets… the list is endless.  We are throwing and going.  The next drowning person is just a few feet away and the next wave is coming.

And we are like a search and rescue team operating at night.  We hear some cries for help, some people have enough strength to come to us and ask for help, and yet we know there are so many more.  Others adrift in darkness, alone and afraid, without the strength to call out for help, or lacking faith that anyone will find them or even cares enough to be looking.  So, we continue to shine spotlights in the darkness, and blast messages of hope and pray we are able to help…  just one more.

That has been our story in the Covid season, and just last week, as we were still searching the murky waters for people in need of rescue, another wave came in…. unlike the slow and steady rising of the Covid-19 flood waters, the waves of George Floyd’s tragic death and the following waves of rage, grief, injustice, anger, violence came in like the waves of a Tsunami.  The hit was hard and fast and suddenly there were more people in need of life-jackets of hope in our sea of despair.

Even as the water level rises on us, as we are not immune to the effects of all this loss and grief, we continue to grab as many people as we can, offering them a the only thing that can truly save them; the One who knows them and loves them, our God who is mercy and grace, love and compassion, righteousness and justice, steadfast and faithful.  We have hope because He gives us hope, we have life because He breathes life in us, we have faith because He is faithful.

Today, as you take on whatever comes your way, keep handing out those life-jackets of hope.  Keep proclaiming hope, keep searching for the hurting and lost around you.  Shine light in the darkness and cry out the truth and hope of Jesus.  Love on a friend, send a message of encouragement, offer compassion and understanding and remember where your hope comes from.  You are not alone.


“The Kingdom of God is advancing into the kingdom of darkness, a campaign to ransom people and the earth God intended us to rule. For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost. All that was lost.”  “Love & War,” John & Stasi Eldredge


1 thought on “Hope

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