Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, about to be thrown into the fiery furnace for not bowing down to the idol, they replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

I have learned that my left-to-Vicky’s-own-fears response would have been “What if God does not deliver me?” But did you notice what they did? They turned a possible “What if” fear based question into a “Even if” statement. Instead, they took a stand. We too can turn any type of “What If” question into a faith based declaration.

Vicky is a valued member here on our team here at FZ.  A committed volunteer, a member of our board, and one of the contributors to our new Crowned Journey Box, Vicky brings years of church & ministry experience to the team, and has beautiful wisdom & insight to share.

This is a small portion of the fantastic session on warfare that Vicky leads us through in our “Crowned – unboxing your identity” Journey Box.  

Would you like to hear more from Vicky?  Click on the link below to learn more about the full Box; loaded with great sessions, quality exercises, and beautiful, heartfelt, inspiring and encouraging gifts.




Daughter of the King

You are the daughter of a King, fearfully and wonderfully made.  Take a few minutes here, think about being the daughter of the King.  You are perfect in the maker’s eyes, even when you don’t believe.  How does that sit with you right now?  I often find that hard to believe.  For me the truth is I often don’t believe.  It is so much easier for me to believe the yuck the world says and thinks. 

It is so easy to forget.  The world is constantly telling us who we are, or maybe more often who we aren’t.  And the truth is we should be asking God who we are – He is the one that made us.

Jackie is an irreplaceable member of the FZ team.  Serving as the Board President, a regular volunteer, and with an extensive church service history of  ministry to women, her heart & soul show in everything we do.



More Info


This is a excerpt of a session from our “Crowned – unboxing my identity” Journey Box.  We would love to invite you on this journey with us as we walk into all the challenges we face in this thing we call Identity.


I personally love to watch crime/detective/courtroom type shows. Have you ever watched a TV show that involves a courtroom trial with a witness on the stand and you hear an attorney interrupt with “objection….leading the witness?

A leading question is one that suggests an answer. It is a question that suggests to the witness how it is to be answered or puts words into the mouth of the witness to be merely repeated in his or her response. In general, leading questions are not allowed during the direct examination of a witness, however, they are allowed on the cross-examination of a witness. Just like cross examination, the enemy comes with his cross examination statements. He tries to put words in our mouths, tries to get us to repeat his narrative.

He will try to back us into a corner or box us in with his arguments and leading questions. For instance, have any struggle with the following? “Haven’t you tried that before and failed?” “The last time you were transparent about this you were humiliated, correct? He is trying to get you to agree with his flawed premise.

I have heard it said “What you don’t address you tolerate.” Address the leading questions and object to them. Address the lies about who you are. Address the doubt about your identity. This is a battle that can be won.  The Truth will set us free.

Vicky is a valued member here on our team here at FZ.  A committed volunteer, a member or our board, and one of the contributors to our new Crowned Journey Box, Vicky brings years of church & ministry experience to the team, and has beautiful wisdom & insight to share.

This is a small portion of the fantastic session on warfare that Vicky leads us through in our “Crowned – unboxing your identity” Journey Box.  

Would you like to hear more from Vicky?

Click on the link below to learn more about the full Box; loaded with great sessions, quality exercises, and beautiful, heartfelt, inspiring and encouraging gifts.



More than Mom

This week the world focuses on celebrating mom’s and yet we know that there is more to this than biology.  This year we would like to take the moment to celebrate our mom’s (of course) but also all the women who have made us who we are. We are better because of you.

Thank You!

To the women who have nurtured us, loved us, hugged us, dried our tears.  To the women who have prayed with us, fed us, scolded us, and praised us.  To the women have pushed and comforted, listened and spoke.  To the Women who have fought for us and with us!

The Best Gift

And because we value and cherish you, the women who invest in everyone else, we would like to invest in you.

For the month of May, Finding Zarephath will be extending our Pre-order pricing of our brand new Journey Box.

Give the gift that speaks to the heart, that nourishes the soul, and refills the cup that is always pouring out.