On the last day of our vacation in Florida, we went parasailing.  Well 4 of the 5 of us did.  My oldest son, has always struggled with a fear of heights, and generally is a risk adverse personality, but he still went on the boat with us and participated as the camera-man and stuff holder.  My husband and I each paired up with the younger 2 kids who have yet to meet an adventure they don’t want to take on.  I am afraid of heights, but I am also a close your eyes and jump kind of person, so while I tend to avoid anything that makes me look down for too long, or really makes me climb up to the heights, if you can get me up, I will take the plunge.  I was very nervous, nervous about the take off and landing (both of which happen from the front of the boat), but I was also nervous about the amount of time we would be in the air, 400 ft in the air to be precise.

And suddenly it was our turn.  My daughter and I climbed up to the front of the boat, already having been strapped into our harness, the guides snapped us into the sail and sat us down on the deck. As they released the sail, we felt the tug on us, leaned back into it a bit, and lifted off.  I had expected a bit of a jolt, a jerk into the air, but instead it was just this smooth lifting us off the boat.  The tow line was let out and smoothly and without much time passing, we sailed up and up, higher and higher, away from the boat.

Perspective Change

Perspective is a funny thing.  Usually when we are in the middle of something our view feels like the only view, our experience the only way to experience, our emotions the only right emotions.  But as we all know, once we look at something from a different angle, things don’t always look so black and white. 

With the benefit of hindsight, we can look back on a million moments in our lives and see so many other things.  The end of the world was only a blip on the radar of our story,  that failure that we thought would mar us forever, has long since been forgotten, that hurt that we thought would never go away, healed with minimal scarring.  Hindsight changes perspective.

Experiences change our perspectives too.  The way we see and experience something, looks very different if we have never experienced it.  However, as soon as we see something through the lens of “been there done that,” things change.  Before having kids I viewed the mother/child interactions much differently than I do now, after having four of my own.  My grace is much greater, my empathy much wider, my perspective much fuller.

Then, there is the physical change of perspective.  A literal change of our environment and view.  As a I floated about the Gulf, above the birds, everything is different.  For starters, other than the laughter and wonder from me and my daughter, it was quiet…. the noise of the world washed away.  But also from up here, just 400 feet above it all, the 2020 world had washed away.  No masks, no distancing, no politics, no media…  from the ground it can sometimes feel like nothing is right in the world anymore, but from up above… The ocean still swells and crashes to the shore, the birds still dive for fish, the dolphins still swim and frolic, the sun is still in the sky where it belongs.   


Sometimes without even realizing it, we actually need a physically different perspective.  In my years working for a church, I often discovered that getting outside the walls of our building, talking to people outside the community of staff and church attenders, looking at challenges outside of the status quo, was not only desperately needed, but not sought out enough.  Taking a hard look at not only what and how we are doing something, but why we were doing it.  Physically distancing ourselves allows us to examine our hearts, motives, and desires.  Do we need to extend more grace, have more compassion, be more open or stand firm?  Have we developed tunnel vision or are we doing things out of habit? Have we chosen the right battles to fight, the right hills to die on?  It’s easy to lose perspective, to allow the walls to close in around us, how are you doing with this?  This week, will you find a moment to physically step outside of your current perspective.  Seek higher ground, and look around.  Where do you need to reexamine your thoughts, your feelings, your plans?  Where do you need to step back and ask God for direction?  Where do you need to take up the sword or lay it down?  Or maybe you just need to step out of the noise, splash in the water a bit, and laugh.

Mountain Beaches

In our Stories from the Beach series, the beach is a state of mind.  For me, it is most often an actual beach, for my dear friend Jackie, the mountains are her happy place.  Her place to rest, recharge, see Jesus in her surroundings, find rest for her soul.  2020 has brought it’s share of losses for all of us, Jackie included, and she was excited to finally get away for an extended camping trip.  Here is her story.


Asking Big Expecting Bigger

I just read a devotion by Nicole Crank in “Hi God (its me again)” about how we should pray for what we want and what we need…Calling out Hebrews 4:16 “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” and Ephesians 3:29 “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Don’t just ask, ask big, because we have a big God. So as we headed out for vacation that’s what I did. I prayed for the best campsite, lots of glorious wildlife (at a safe distance of course), the best fly fishing my husband has ever had and lots of rest and restoration. I couldn’t wait to see how it turned out. On the way we had to first go to my dearest friend and second Mom’s ranch in the Colorado mountains for her memorial.

In a Moment

The unthinkable happened the day before the memorial.  As we were setting up, the forest started on fire heading straight for her place. We had to evacuate. As we drove off the property I wanted to throw up, feeling like I would never see it in its glory again. There is only one way out so we had to drive past the fire. I called out to our God for protection and I cried. There wasn’t going to be a big memorial. It wasn’t supposed to be like this!

It wasn’t supposed to be like this…

2020 has been one crazy year. I am certain I am not the only one this year who has felt that way. My heart was broken and still is as I write this. And yet God was there. My family and friends are safe and my friends’ place was spared.  God provided in a big way as I begged him for protection. All the glory to Him.

Praying Big

No it wasn’t supposed to be like this, not for you and not for me. So what are we supposed to do with that? It is ok to grieve and be disappointed. Call out to God, he can handle it. Reach out to your peeps and let them know you’re hurting or need prayer. Check on them too. 1 Thes 5:11 says “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.” I don’t know about you but somehow I feel better when I remember others are also hurting and I can encourage them too. No it wasn’t supposed to be like this, but our powerful God is still in charge.


The Story Continues

Jackie sent me her story early last week.  In the seven days since then, the fires in Colorado have continued to rage along with dozens of devastating fires throughout the western states.  The ranch Jackie loves is still at risk, that threat became more real again last night as the winds shifted.  And still we pray. And we pray big.  Jesus come… Calm the storms, protect the lives, heal the land.

Need Prayer?  We are always happy to pray for you.  You may email us at admin@findingzarephath.com or message us through fb or instagram.


In Need of Rest

I love to travel.  Warm watery destinations are a favorite relaxation trip for me.  The self-reflection time, the soothing of the water, the calming warmth or the adventurous waves each speak to me in different ways.  I grew up in water… pools, lakes, oceans, they call to something deep inside me, the voice of the younger me that hasn’t always been allowed a voice.

Two years ago, God gave me a gift.  He opened the door for a 6-day trip to the beach with a couple of my friends.  I was in need of rest.  It had been a season of recovering from the trauma of my husband’s heart attack, a season of organizational change in the ministry I was working in, and a season of God taking me down memory lane, reminding me of who I was in my younger years.  I wanted to go alone, run away to the seashore, but my husband asked me to take a friend.  I picked two of my most introverted friends.  I was hungry for rest, and I wanted people who would not require much of me.  One of my friends called it, when she said, you just invited us so you don’t have to eat out alone.  False…  I love their company, they were a great choice… and True… as an extravert wanting to be alone every now and then is fine, but eating out alone is hard. And so, the three of us embarked on our adventure..


God Speaks

It was a peaceful adventure.  Room, beach, pool, food, repeat.  No major plans, no shopping or sightseeing, just soul care.  I brought a journal, a bible, and a book. I spent time frolicking in the waves of the Atlantic coast of Florida, daydreamed in the calm of the pool, and journaled on a beautiful driftwood bench looking out over the beach.  I took my heartache and my exhaustion to God, I also took him some tough questions, and he met me there.

We had some honest conversation about who I am, who I was designed to be, who I was.  The parts of me that are growing and thriving and the parts of me that have been locked up.  He reaffirmed all the stories he’d been reminding me of that year, that underneath the young and silly was the heart of the woman I am today, and part of her was being locked away.  He called me a Dolphin, showed me the image clearly.  He spoke truths over my soul.  Smart.  Kind.  Loyal.  Playful.  Fierce.  Protective.  Fun.  Free.  Beautiful.  I vowed to take it home with me, to remember to be silly and fun and playful when the world felt heavy.  To be light in darkness.  To not allow the enemy’s accusations to speak louder than God’s truth. 

Under Attack

I failed.  Yes, you read that right.  I failed.   I returned to a storm.  The enemy had not been on vacation while I was away, and the winds of change had blown in again.  Over the course of the next two years I would find myself desperately clinging to the truth God spoke on the beach that day, and other days I would shove my younger self back in the corner and tell her to take her silliness and fun and playful with her.   It was a battle that ultimately lead me to Finding Zarephath, and for that I will always be grateful, but every battle comes with a price and scars.


God Speaks Still…


This year, God opened the door again, and took me back to Florida.  This time to the Gulf side with my family.  The rhythm was much the same, room, beach, pool, food, games.  And there God met me again, in a boat with my family… with a simple reminder… playful dolphin.


His truth always prevails.  His promises are always fulfilled.


Voice of Hope

In January we made a Blog plan for the year, open to change of course, but we laid out some topics for each month and then some weekly topics within those months.  That plan was sent to women we felt might want to contribute early in January.  Covid wasn’t on our radar yet, not really.   In January we discussed identity for four weeks, in February Love, in March we did stories of rescue as we geared up for Easter, and then our world changed.  Covid lockdowns, shutdowns, unemployment continued much longer than anyone expected, protests and riots came into the news, throughout the months of April, May, June, July, we felt called to pause our plans and just try to shed a moment of light in a hurting world each week.  That continues to be our goal.  To be a voice of hope, joy, inspiration, that for a moment, the few moments it takes to read a short post, reminds us that God is still bigger than this, that He still has dreams and plans for each of us. To remind us to draw close to him when everything else is pressing in.

The original topic for July was “Stories from the Beach” this was meant to be a general time of rest and relaxation and the topics would be wide open to anyone who contributed during this time.  I personally planned to write stories from a literal beach, I had hopes and dreams of summer vacations and time resting and recharging.  As our world changed, none of that took form, and yet…

Way Maker

Our God who makes a way when there is no way, knows the desire of my heart.  He knows what beaches and water do to refresh my soul.  He knows what each cancelled trip this year has cost me emotionally, and suddenly he opened a door, and very last minute 5 of the 6 of us got to go spend a week on the beach.  Ridiculously cheap airfare, a condo deal that had already been paid for, and a small rental car and we got to spend 6 days going form our room to the beach to the pool.  We bought groceries to keep the eating out down, wore our facemasks everywhere outside of our relatively empty hotel and played games and swam.  We did get to do a couple other things I’ll write about in another post, but as the days slowed and peace surrounded us, I remembered our plan for “Stories from the Beach.”  This month we will return to that plan, not ignoring or running away from the challenges of our everyday life, but to shine light and hope and joy and encouragement in what feel like a lot of dark places right now. 

Our prayer for you

In the midst of chaos God is still working.  He is still romancing us, He is still calling us.  He has gifts to give and dreams to fulfill.  He has plans for our days that are not on hold.  Whatever the “beach” is in your life, that place that you find beauty and peace and joy, may God show you where He is working, where He is waiting where He is gifting you.  I pray today you are able to see a glimpse of how much he adores and loves you and the beautiful things he has for you.

“Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper Light in the darkness My God, that is who You are
You are Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper Light in the darkness My God, that is who You are.”