Encouragement, Growth & Celebration

The struggle for women in ministry is real. Often underpaid and under resourced church staff and volunteers become tired. Demands of ministry reach well outside the boundaries of normal work hours and normal emotional & spiritual boundaries. John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came to give life to the fullest, but too often we lose sight of our own abundant life in helping others find theirs. 

The work of women in ministry is often a windy road through hurt, pain, betrayal, and exhaustion amidst the joys and victories.

Finding Zarephath holds at its core the desire to encourage & renew the women who are supporting the work of their local church. To encourage and pray for all women in ministry and to help them connect with each other and with Jesus.

Finding Zarephath seeks to be a constant reminder of the life of joy  that Jesus offers. A place to refill and refresh, a place to rest and recharge – in a moment of encouragement or in a time set apart.

Are you in need of encouragment today? Do you know someone who is?  Follow the link below to be added to our gifts and encouragement lists, receive prayer, and be kept up to date when we announce retreat and care offers.

Sign Up Now


Support & Strength

At the core of who we are Finding Zarephath does not seek to sell services, but to offer all we can to support women in their ministry. While finances are a necessary part of any ministry, our team is dedicated to providing care for women in ministry who need it.

In order to do that, we need committed believers who value the work of the women in their lives and are willing to invest in them.  If you would like to partner with us financially, the options are linked on this page.  Your gift can make a huge impact in the lives of women serving in your church, other churches, and ministries everywhere.

We tithe too! 

As a ministry we set our first 10% aside to provide funds for benevolence, professional counseling, encouragement and celebration above and beyond our regular budget for these programs.   It is our desire to live a generous life personally as well as an organization, allowing women engaged in ministry to receive the assistance they may need to find more of the life and hope that Jesus offers.



Donate – General Fund

The General Fund allows us to continue our encouragement campaigns, gifts, early coaching and resources.

Donate – Scholarship Fund

The Scholarship Fund is specifically dedicated to help women attend our retreats, purchase courses, and receive extended coaching or counseling.

Purchase From Our Store

Our NEW Store allows you to purchase a great encouragement product for yourself or as a gift, while supporting the ministry of Finding Zarephath.  

100% of the proceeds from sales go directly into our Encouragement Program.

Finding Zarephath’s administrative costs are kept as low as possible and are already fully funded by a committed group of of people who believe in the the mission and vision of our ministry.  All additional donations and sales are therefor 100% committed to the programs and services that Finding Zarephath offers to women in ministry.

How Many Miles to Empty?


“Sometimes we spend more time talking about God and not talking to God.”  I said to the pastor of a church in the greater Denver area.  We were talking about the ministry of Finding Zarephath and the need for care for women in ministry who spend much of their time supporting others, but often lack resources when they themselves are struggling.  The Pastor I was talking to paused and then acknowledged the truth of those words. 

I have spent some time this last week thinking about that conversation.  I have served as staff or volunteer in a church my entire adult life, I have always wanted to help people find the hope of Jesus, not just for salvation, but also for the here and now.  God is calling us to a life of adventure with Him, there are dreams, and giftings, and plans He has for us in this life.  As we move into those plans, as we see them take form, as we experience the amazing life that Jesus offers, we rightfully become passionate about helping others walk into their calling.  It can be an amazing process, a fulfilling experience, introducing somebody to Jesus for the first time or helping them see where He is moving in their lives… but sometimes, maybe more often then we care to admit, we make a shift of talking more about God than to God.  We pour out of our own talents, our own wisdom, our own strength and eventually the cup runs dry.

I have been studying the book of Job this week.  There are a lot of well meaning people pouring out their own wisdom, their own strength, their own talents.  It’s not based on nothing, these are God-fearing men who have a lifetime of knowledge and understanding and walking with God under their belt, but despite that, they never actually stop talking to each other long enough to talk to God, when God has had enough, he interrupts and corrects them.

I know that’s been me.  Even as I spoke those words to the Pastor last week, I think we both felt the conviction of them, so this week, prompted by that conversation and the leadership of our Board President who committed to praying for our team, our ministry, and our country every day for a week, I picked up where she left off and continued.  The time has been good, God’s in it every time, and I feel the internal shift away from the worries of this world, to the desires of God.  

Like me, like the Pastor, you have your own gifts and talents and wisdom that you operate out of.  That’s a gift directly from God, but this week I challenge you to make sure you are plugging into the source, that you remember to talk to God as much as you talk about him, may your cup overflow with encouragement, wisdom, and strength.